
Suhail Ali

Suhail Ali


Chemistry HOD who lead the Crest Academy and believes that-

Everything you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch involves chemistry and chemicals (matter). And hearing, seeing, tasting, and touching all involve intricate series of chemical reactions and interactions in your body. With such an enormous range of topics, it is essential to know about chemistry at some level to understand the world around us.

Devesh Gupta

Devesh Gupta


Physics HOD who lead the Crest Academy and believes that-

Physics is the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other, Physics is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and the world beyond us. It is the most basic and fundamental science. 

Vikram Pareta

Vikram Pareta


Mathematics HOD who lead the Crest Academy and believes that-

Mathematics as the study of structure divorced from context. In mathematics, we study various structures: numbers, groups, geometric objects, etc. Anything existing in the universe and anything that can be cooked up by the human mind that has some sort of structure to it can be studied mathematically.

Bhupendra Kewat

Bhupendra Kewat


Biology HOD who lead the Crest Academy and believes that-

Biology and evolution give us a sensible context to examine ourselves. Biology is unique because of the complexity of living things and how they interact with each other and the environment. It’s intriguing to think that many rocks and minerals on Earth originated from living things.